
The future of airlines website & a reverse pitch process

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Fantasy Interactive, an award-winning digital design agency is not a startup struggling for business. It boasts of clients like Sony, Microsoft, USA Today and Google. Yet in a move that could normally be associated with hungry-for-business startups, they have created a proactive video presenting their vision of how an ideal airline website should like in today’s world.

Agency: Fi

Close your eyes and run through all the airline websites that you have come across. Include all the aggregator travel sites if you want. And then see how refreshingly different and user-centric this proactive proposal is.


What’s more they tweeted about this project tagging some leading airlines in the tweet:

It remains to be seen if the video goes viral. What they have put out can now be copied easily by unscrupulous designers or even brands. But hats off to Fi for having the courage to do something like this. Tagging airline brands in a tweet could be seen as spamming – maybe Fi could have waited for coverage on blogs & trade publications and let airlines discover this initiative? Your views?

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